viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Aquí tienes la invitación..
escrita con mí proprio sangre,
Los portales, los conoces bien..
pero no te olvides llevar tu consciencia en la mochila,
no fracases en reconocer la oportunidad espiritual de cada momento..

Just let it flow, let me flow..let's just go shine with me
just be, feel cozy, and spread your colours in my sacred room,
you can move around, toward the light, breath the fresh air,
in this sky that I built covered in stars.. where we've flown together
It's the multiverse, it's infinite indeed..
This is my source, my genuine vital essence..
the factory of desires, illusions and dreams where the only busy.ness is the vital equilibrium.. the equal freedom

É vc quem limita as fronteiras entre começo e fim..

Bem vinda à VIDA..

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